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I made an account just for this specifically, I just want to say I really like this game! it is really fun yet simple, which is a good thing in my book.

One thing I do want to say is that I do feel that the AI for SM is a little bit OP but that just might be a skill issue on my part honestly. I will select SM and if I do anything other than spam JAB or BLOCK I'm dead meat. I feel as it HOOK and DUCK are honestly useless because the AI is just so fast to counteract.

Like I previously stated it might just be a skill issue on my part, but otherwise this game is freaking phenomenal for a solo dev! keep up the AMAZING work and just remember to not overwork yourself and take mental breaks!


Hello SircodesalotVIII! I'm honored that you took the time to create an account just to be able to comment. Thank you, and rest assured that your comment, along with all the comments in here, are being read and taken into account. I'm continuously trying to improve the game, although pace is going a bit slower these days due to life in general.

Your sentiment is valid and same as many people here. When the game was first released, the common comment was it was too easy. I increased the difficulty, but I think I went overboard. It doesn't matter if it is a skill issue, I want to accommodate as many players as I can.

I am planning to add a difficulty level, as well as some new mechanics and balancing to address those issues you mentioned. Also some new characters. I hope you can stick around.

As for overworking, not to worry, I am overworked, but not by this game. I will try to  find the time to change that soon!

This is pretty cool. I wish I had someone to play with though because I think this is even more of a multiplayer game than the average fighting game. I'm a fighting game player and I've tried a few of the simplified mini-fighting-games like footsies, but in this game since there is no moving, the elements being focused on are timing and mind games, which I think is why some people had issues with it. It didn't feel like there was an input buffer, so when the AI is jabbing over and over for example you need to time your next action to when your character recovers from the jab, and I think most people who don't play fighting games will just try to mash and not realize this. And the other main thing about the game are mind games, but for one it's not clear what options beat what, I'm assuming jab loses to ducking or perfect block but is good against regular block, hook probably beats ducking with the right timing. But I don't think these things are intuitive to people who don't play fighting games and it also doesn't make sense against an AI (which is why I said I wish I could play with someone locally), playing mind games with an AI is pretty pointless.

Overall I think you tried to make a fighting game that was more intuitive to people who don't play fighting games but I think people would still need to be taught how to play it properly and even though it's very simple the timing part still makes it kinda hard. But as a fighting game fan this was interesting to try.

Thanks, Edmar! That is so awesome to hear. I feel the same way, I hope I can make a multiplayer version someday.

Agreed that I need to teach. This has also been a common comment after I increased the difficulty and added some mechanics. I should have added a difficulty level and a training mode before updating, but I was in a hurry to push out the changes. As a result, newer players are welcomed with a nasty beatdown. I will change this soon.

Hey man great job! Amazing execution, really drew me in. I love it. 

That being said I need to agree with the rest of the players here, the controls are too slow and the AI is too spammy.

I've tried both in browser and pc. It's not because people click outside the window, not because their machine is slow. Something in the controls is off. 

There's a difference between difficult and punishing. The critique is very common among the other comments as I see, this game does not feel fair. I dodge a few, block, counter..etc but there is no point in mastering this game. If it was faired, or at least 'felt' fair, then more people would take the time to master the mechanics. At this stage however, it's spamming block and jab till you get tired. That is if you don't get stun locked ofc. 

I can see this becoming a very addictive game if these issues are adressed. Good luck!


Hi dovau! Thanks for the comments! It's a work in progress, I'm trying to make it better, taking in people's comments. I hope I can improve it further to make it more enjoyable for you and the others!


My controls don't work

hi hungry_rambler! You can try to go to settings to set or reset your controls. It should work after. I'm investigating a bug where the default controls don't work on some computers. I'll fix it as soon as I'm able to find it.


I like the animations and art style yes but in terms of game play... Sub-optimal I want to say, not to hurt your feelings.

Spam "W" and I win, try anything else I lose!

It takes ages to block and duck, transition from a punch to duck or cover simply non existent.

I think the game has great potential so I hope to see it as a full fledged game!


Fake, it actually requires some reaction time skills


Thanks Pxelo, I'm glad you liked the game and are defending it, I feel appreciated, feels nice not having to defend the game by myself. That said, everyone is entitled to voice out their opinions on the game, be it positive or negative. It's valid to have a different opinion of things. 

I welcome constructive criticism as it welcomes improvements and gives me some ideas sometimes. He wasn't being rude, and pinpointed his pain points instead of just saying "dis game sux!" It could be hardware issue, as it is extremely difficult to cover a wide range of devices, especially for a solo dev. But you both can rest assured that I will do what I can to give the best experience I can possibly give. 

Thanks again and I hope to have your continued support! Hope you like the future updates!


Youre welcome

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback, I'm experimenting and doing my best to improve it! Might I ask what platform you are playing on and what specs so I can investigate if it is a hardware issue?

I am on Microsoft Edge browser, using M1 Max Mac Studio


Thanks, your hardware is way above the requirements. I will look into it and see what I can do.

It’s a really good game! The graphics and animation are smooth, good audio too. My main gripe is that I found the best strategy for me is just to basically spam. I think introducing new mechanics like side stepping would make the game more engaging. Perhaps even punishing the player more if they spam too much. I also think adding different difficulties could be really beneficial. Overall, great game! 7/10 Can’t wait to see what’s next and good luck to you and the team!

Thanks for the feedback. It's a work in progress, going to try and improve it with future updates. Thanks for wishing me luck (it's just me for the moment but I'm working on getting some help from talented people).


make the ai easier or have a easy mode cause i just keep getting stun locked

I'm working on a level difficulty and a tutorial mode to help out beginners!


geometry dash

Not sure if you are comparing me to Geometry Dash, but I love that game!

Android doesn't install, and I know why, I use construct 3 too.

RELEASE apks are only for publishing to the google play store, and cannot be installed directly from the file.

The only things that can be directly installed from the file, is debug apks.

Hi @AxolotlGuy! Glad to see another Construct user around here. Are you sure about the release/debug apk? I have a lot of Android downloads and most of them have had no problems installing the APK. Are you using a (rooted) android phone without Google/Play Store?

I always thought that release APKs would work anywhere if they are unsigned, and that debug is just for debugging. I'm pretty sure I used an unsigned release apk, but I might have uploaded a signed one by mistake. That would explain it if you had problems installing without Google/Play Store.

You must upload a DEBUG

is there a way to change characters.?   

(1 edit)

Sorry, no. At least not YET...


What the actual heck. The movements are amazing. Here I am making my very first GB Studio RPG game struggling to make animations while Construct can create things like these!? You are amazing sir! Good job!

Thanks! Good luck in your journey! Indie game dev is insanely tough, often (always?) feels masochistic, but if it's what you love, it's worth it. 

It's nice to be able to build something, and even better to see other people enjoying it too. Don't give up!

By the way, I do not understand people who have bad comments about your FREE game. It's free, yet they complain. It's a game submitted for a contest. It's being polished and it's already a very well made game! Can't believe people are on here complaining hahahaha

Keys dont work


Hello! Please try this from the FAQ page.

  • My controls aren't working, pressing keys does nothing. How do I fix this?
    • Go to the main menu, then go to options. Make sure the controls are correct and you are pressing the assigned keys. Go back to the Main Menu, that should save any changes you might have made, if any. 

I think there's a new bug causing some key config to be unset for some new users. I'll try to investigate, but the fix above should do it.


I bought the game for $10! Any game with gorgeous pixel art of beautiful women punching the crap out of each other is worth $10!

If the game's resolution is too low to display my full name Maplewood Street, you may shorten it to Maplewood St. instead! The abbreviated version should fit the 13-character limit. I would have done that, but I saw the rule only after I submitted it (sorry!!)


Thank you so much for the love and support! This is noted, I'll let you know as soon as I've updated the game with your name on the credits, just a bit busy with life right now but I'll try to make it happen soon.


Totally understandable! Thank you! If I had more money to give right now, I absolutely would!

I did also make a comment about music in a different thread. Let me know if you're interested or not! :D

Hello ik this is just a little problem but my home buttons arw showing when im playing the game i sometimes press it pls fix.

Hi renz12345! What home button are you pertaining to? Are you referring to the Android version?

andriod 12 tge swipe up to use the buttons

I see, the Android version. I'll try to see what I can do, and I'll let you know if I'm able to fix it on the next update.


Hey bro i alr message ur gmail that the playstore give me ur supportbcontatct my i alr send u some pictures wuts the problem


First the controls didn't work, and then I kept getting completely pummeled. I have no idea how these game mechanics work, not a good first impression to the point I don't want to bother figuring it out. Also, the description pitches this as a sort of alternative to fighting games, but it is nothing like one, it is much closer to Punchout or First Cut.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Hey FightersDayInc! Noted, will take your career advice into consideration. In the meantime, I will address  your other comments.

For the music, I'm not really a music guy, I was supposed to collab with a few sound guys but they got busy, so that was just my newbie attempt to come up with some retro 8-bit chip tunes. I'm probably biased, but I thought it turned out alright, all things considered. I understand people have different music preferences. In fact I normally turn off music when I play games, even ones with good music, so I added an option to do that as well. Just turn off music in options, problem solved!

As for the controls, did you check the FAQs? Generally if the controls don't work, it usually means one of the following: 

1) the game window is not in focus, maybe through a mouse press outside the window or a special keypress like ctrl+tab or alt+tab or windows button, etc. This can be resolved by clicking on the game window itself.

2) the key config somehow got messed up. This can be resolved by going to key config options and assigning your preferred keys and hitting accept. This should resolve this issue.

3) Your gamepad isn't detected or configured properly. To see if your gamepad is supported, in the main screen you will notice a control pad icon will appear. If not, the gamepad is unsupported. Can you be kind enough to tell me what controller you are using so I can investigate further?

Now assuming it does work, your key config might not be properly configured. There are too many control pads snd arcade sticks to configure individually, so right now they are configured to the most commonly used and what I currently have, Playstation controllers. So other controllers might be configured incorrectly. This can be easily fixed by again going to the options menu and properly assigning keys that you like. Again, in some cases, depending on the controller, some keys might not be supported. Just use the ones that are.

I hope you can get the controls working, and can give the game another chance. Toe II Toe is just a light game not to be taken seriously, a 20 second destresser. If it doesn't work for you, my apologies. There are lots of games on itch and steam that might scratch you better, I'm sure you will be able to find one that you like. Good luck and happy hunting!

If you're looking for new sound designers/composers, I would love to be part of the team!

You can decline of course! I just thought I'd offer! ^_^

Hey, I checked out your stuff, I liked the track Lay Me Gently. How can I get in touch with you? Shoot me an email!

Yes! My email is! :D I'm also on Discord: maplewoodstreet.

Feel free to contact me there! If for whatever reason I don't respond for whatever reason within a few days, feel free to ping me here too!

Oh what's your email? :O

It's been a few days and I haven't gotten a message on here, email, Discord, Twitter, or NG. Maybe it was put in spam? If you're still interested, let me know!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and impressions, these are vital. I'm sorry to hear your experience was not positive, I'll try to make it better, for you and others. 

Part of the planned updates is to come up with a tutorial to explain the mechanics (alabmetal slug/kof) so that the user is not overwhelmed. You see, when it started out, it was just duck, block, and punch, since the goal was to come up with a fight for 20 seconds. The other mechanics were added later on as updates upon request of the people. Now I need to work on a tutorial to explain those changes. I just haven't found the time to do so. I hope you can revisit the game after the tutorial update is rolled out, give it another chance.

As for it being closer to punch out, it is a major influence, along with street fighter. If it doesn't do it for you, there are other games on itch and steam that are way better and might satisfy your fighting game cravings. (For indies: Punch Planet, Pocket Bravery)

In any case, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and opinions. As an indie dev, I don't have QAs and testers, so user feedback is the closest thing I have. Many thanks!


Thank you for the kind response, I was a little rude initially, best of luck to you man

No worries, I didn't find your comment particularly rude, since it was an honest opinion and there were a couple of things to be picked up from it. I can take and do welcome criticism and feedback, if they can lead to something productive. It's not like you just said "Dis sux, u suck", which would be difficult to process because there is no clear path to understanding why I do suck and how to suck less.

Thank you again for the feedback. I really hope that you can give the game another chance in the future, when I've applied improvements to it.


nice game! if has a training mode for bag-punching will be better~


I'm considering that suggestion. Thank you!


Amazin game, I am hyped for arcade mode!


Thanks, and glad ro hear it. It's taking a while since I'm on a job hunt at the moment, but I'm definitely still working on it. Hope you stick around for the updates and new characters!


Controls don't work, I can click on the buttons but if I use qwas nothing happens.


Hello! You can check the key config in the options to make sure the controls are properly configured. It should work properly then.

From the FAQs:

  • My controls aren't working, pressing keys does nothing. How do I fix this?
    • Go to the main menu, then go to options. Make sure the controls are correct and you are pressing the assigned keys. Go back to the Main Menu, that should save any changes you might have made, if any. 
  • The controls stop sometimes. How do I fix this?
    • You might have clicked outside the window or pressed tab, causing the game window to lose focus. Click on the game window and the game controls should be back.
Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Sorry if it came out that way, perhaps things are getting lost in text, but I wasn't patronizing. You can read all the comments down the feed, I really try to reply and be helpful and responsive as I can, when I find the time. I genuinely want to help. I just want people to play my game and enjoy in the process. The FAQ has a longer explanation, so I link to it, especially when I'm out and am trying to reply as quickly as I can on mobile. 

I'm sorry to hear about the hole in your wall and your controller. I hope your controller is fine. Please relax a bit. My game's objective was meant to be a quick 20 second destresser, not the opposite. I try to accommodate everyone, at least to what my abilities and time allow, but it would all be useless if my game causes stress. In that case, it's better not to play the game, because it achieves the opposite of my objective. 

My sincerest thanks for trying out my game. 


This is amazing. Clean Pixel art work and animation.




can the guys who made top rank scores please make a gameplay video? That would help me and other players to understand and get a little better at the game.

some things i noticed:
most op moves in this game are block/parry and jab i think if you add a stamina bar or have a cooldown for each move it will stop block+jab spam which is guarenteed win for current bot. 
not too sure how to make duck/hook viable in this type of game since they are both very slow while block/jab are instantaneous.

interesting game good luck

Thanks for the suggestions, I'm still working on improving the game, making adjustments and doing tests. I might be able to implement some of the suggestions if the tests work out.


I was sad because I thought I sucked at this game, but now I'm excited to see it grow! It looks amazing!

Thank you! Kind and encouraging words keep me going!


Hey looks really cool, but the game vs CPU is WAY too hard and I'm a diamond street fighter player. The CPU is way too aggro there is no opportunity to do learn and counter. The the controls see unresponsive, like im blocking and the UI says im blocking but im not blocking and just getting hit. I tried 4 times, i might try more but im not sure others will.
“Fighting games are hard.”

(3 edits) (+2)

Thank you for trying it out! As I mentioned in earlier comments, people have asked me several times to make the ai more difficult, it seems I went overboard this time. Someone suggested to add a difficulty level, I'll do that.

As for the UI feedback, it doesn't mean that the move is executed if the ui button is highlighted, but rather, it just means you are pressing. The move will execute when the player has or recovers control. In your case, it might be that you got hit and have not recovered yet but are pressing a button like block.

I understand it might be overwhelming now, as a new player with the new difficulty. I apologize. I'm adding the difficulty level and a tutorial/training mode so that people aren't surprised with a beatdown, and end up raging.

It might be better to post the changelog in a different post then link people to it that.

Scrolling 30 seconds just to get to the download button is troublesome for those of us who like to play on PC.


There's the app where you can just click to install and don't have to scroll through all that if that bothers you, the app available for windows also


Thanks for the tip!



That's a good suggestion, didn't cross my mind because I wasn't really expecting the writeup and changelog to grow this long. I'll do that, thank you!


No prob!


I have moved the FAQs and Changelogs to their own individual pages. The main page should be a lot less cluttered now. Thanks again for the suggestion!

The game became too hard.

Will add a difficulty option. Looks like I went overboard when people requested to make it more difficult.

bad game too hard made me rage

Sorry about that. People have been commenting, asking me to make the game harder. I might have gone overboard this time. I plan on adding a difficulty level, as a suggested by one of the users.


haha i was just jokin around its fine


Very fun! One of the best 2 player games out there. I hope that you will keep working on this.

Thank you! I will, still have a lot of plans for it!


Musclemommy is on the leaderboard baby!

Im proud to be in 51st place! (High score, july 14th 2023


Is the recovery time after blocking longer? or is it just me?
Also what steroids did you put the CPU on this patch holy shit it got alot harder lol


Haha! That's good to hear then. Upon people's request, I tweaked the AI to make it more difficult. Then someone pointed out a bug which gave player 1 an unfair advantage (sometimes when P1 and P2 attack simultaneously, p2 gets a bit stuck for a frame, which causes p1 to win the exchange since p1 is ahead and connects first). This same bug also that caused p1 to win 9/10 in cpu vs cpu.

You might have unknowingly used this every now and then, winning exchanges easily. Now that that's been pointed out and fixed, and with the new AI plus parry, cpu is more difficult.

As for the blocking recovery taking longer, it is actually the same. It might seem slower because I made some tweaks to the block start (as well as some attacks). The starting block animation used to be as slow as the block recovery, but it's much faster now. Apart from looking more correct and pleasing, it was shortened for parry--getting hit during the first few frames of start block would trigger parry. A shorter window makes it more difficult to perform, preventing abuse.

A few have commented that the game is now too hard, so I'm thinking of implementing a difficulty level.

Having messed around a little more, im finally getting used to the ai now :)

also i see what you mean about the blocks, ive got used to it now
managed to even ko it once, which im probably more proud of than i should be

looking forward to seeing this game go further in future, genuinely incredibly fun 

(Also i need more characters because your pixel art is so clean !!

(1 edit)

you should be proud! Looks like a lot of people find the new ai too difficult. I need to work on the difficulty level adjustment!

I'm working on new characters, 2 specifically. Since you've been around here for quite sometime, I'll give you their names--Zizi and Big Bean. It's taking a bit longer because I'm on a job hunt, but we'll get there for sure.

ah good luck on the job hunt, i hope it goes well (i know how annoying it can be)

personally i really like the current difficulty - i feel like the challenge as what was missing from earlier versions

and lastly thanks for the sneak peek, im looking forward to whats to come

Hey! Found this cool game and wanted to play it. Tried playing it on the website version but its just a black screen, then I downloaded it then extracted then ran the game still a black screen! I would like to know how to fix this type of issue or am I doing something wrong?

Can you give me more information?

  • What is your device that you're trying to run it on?
  • What is your Operating System? 
  • What is your browser?
  • Are you getting any errors?
  • Do you hear any sound/music when you see the black screen?

Hey sorry for the late reply, I can play the game on my phone and its a great game! would like to see more updates soon. I'll still reply though
My device is Acer, its pretty old, its mostly used for work but I can still play some games in it
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
The browser I'm using is OperaGX
No errors its just a black screen
No I do not hear anything as far as I know, I've turned up the volume and waited for around 5 minutes or so there's still no sound

I also tried pressing the the keybinds but nothing worked it still showed a black screen, I'll assume its a loading issue? I could be wrong though!

Glad you can play the game on your phone! 

The game is pretty lightweight, so I think your desktop should still be able to play the game. That said, since you mentioned it's pretty old, the probable cause is that you don't have the built in edge browser, which the windows build uses (I'm assuming you are on windows? You didn't specify the OS)

In case you still want to play on your desktop (and it's windows) I uploaded another version for windows called NWJS, you can try that instead. Let me know if that works.

It works, thx! Also yes I'm using windows, sorry I forgot to include that. My bad! Game is pretty cool, challenging but not so much! Hope to see more! Thanks again I prefer playing on my laptop!

(1 edit) (+1)

I guess that confirms it as the edge issue for older windows systems.

Also really happy you like the game and its difficulty. Still have a lot of plans for the game, hope it can keep you entertained long enough for the updates!

Is there a way to get this working on SteamOS? The Linux download does not load the game.

I don't have a steamOS device to test with, but I'll try to ask around. I thought the linux build would run just fine. Was there any error displayed?

The game shows nothing when I run the executable but this shows when I run it through the Konsole. Maybe it could also be something on my end but I have no idea how I would fix it, I'm new to Linux so all of this is different to me. 

(2 edits)

Looks like a permission issue? I don't know if SteamOS has a "run as admin" option, but if it does, you can try that. 

Or in the console, try to enable execute permissions by going to the game directory and iputting the text below without the quotation marks:

"chmod +x Toe II Toe"

Since you shouldn't really just type in random commands in the console given by strangers, here's a bit more info/reference and what it does (

After that, try running the game. Let me know if that works!

I got a window to open but it's just a small black screen, I run it through the Konsole and this error shows now. 

Can I play this on a GameBoy emulator?

I'm sorry, no. But you can play it on your pc, tablet, or phone, either as an app or in your web browser without the need for an emulator! I was considering making it an actual gameboy game, but there were too many limitations that I couldn't work with.


thank younso much. Keep up the good work

Nice parry sound and mechanic

Thank you! Glad you liked it!


the graphics are absolutely gorgeous wow


Thanks for the high praise! Hope you can stick around while I make it better!

i think you need to add a stamina system. this would prevent hyper aggressive strategies from dominating the game.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm exploring the stamina mechanic, as well as other mechanics that can prevent spamming and stuff. Honestly want to avoid adding another meter, but if the tests work, I might just add it in, or maybe have it as an option.


nice graphics

The Android version is not working, when installing it says "there was a problem while parsing the package".


Are you installing by downloading the apk for the Google Play Store? May I ask what Android version you are using and what phone so I can look into it?

I'm downloading apk version from itch on my realme 5s Android version 10

Are you able to play it via the web browser? Have you tried installing via Google Play?

the web browser works but it says "Your device is not compatible with this version." on Google Play Store 

(2 edits) (+1)

I'll try to investigate. In the meantime, you can try this:

  1. Open this link in your browser ( This is the direct link to the game Toe II Toe on
  2. after opening it, go to your browser menu and click on "Install as App" or "Add To Home Screen". This might vary depending on your browser, but for chrome and firefox that is what it says.
  3. That's it, you will have Toe II Toe installed as a web app on your phone. After it loads once, you will be able to play it anytime, even offline. The app icon should come up on your phone. 


---{ Graphics }---

☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


---{ Gameplay }---

☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It's just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don't

---{ Audio }---

☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I'm now deaf

---{ Audience }---

☑ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☑ Grandma

---{ PC Requirements }---

☑ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

---{ Difficulty }---

☐ Just press 'W'

☐ Easy

☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Significant brain usage

☐ Difficult

☐ Dark Souls

---{ Grind }---

☐ Nothing to grind

☑ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks

☐ Isn't necessary to progress

☐ Average grind level

☐ Too much grind

☐ You'll need a second life for grinding

---{ Story }---

☑ No Story

☐ Some lore

☐ Average

☐ Good

☐ Lovely

☐ It'll replace your life

---{ Game Time }---

☑ Long enough for a cup of coffee

☐ Short

☐ Average

☐ Long

☐ To infinity and beyond

---{ Price }---

☑ It's free!

☐ Worth the price

☐ If it's on sale

☐ If u have some spare money left

☐ Not recommended

☐ You could also just burn your money

---{ Bugs }---

☑ Never heard of

☐ Minor bugs

☐ Can get annoying

☐ ARK: Survival Evolved

☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---

☐ 1

☐ 2

☐ 3

☐ 4

☐ 5

☐ 6

☑ 7

☐ 8

☐ 9

☐ 10

Grab this review template here! 👉


Thank you for taking time to rate the game in-depth! I'll take that 7/10!


Looking amazing, keep it up!

Awesome overhaul! I'm curious, is there any concept art or anything of Stella?

There's a bunch of pixel sketches when I was conceptualizing the game (I only sketched the game concept on my phone using pixly). 

I think I still have some of them, I'll dig it up and post it here. Also, since the game and character got a bit of interest, I'll try and make some more art of Stella (and hopefully potential new chars).

wait, all this amazing sprites were made on phone?

Only a few. I made the mockups, portaits, and some keyframes on my android phone with an S-pen. I used Pixly, by Tavo Maciel. It's free, and is very capable. It could have allowed me to do everything there, but I transferred to the desktop where I could use more space. I animated there using Aseprite.

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